Electroencephalograph (EEG) is a tool used for gauging and recording brain waves. In 1929, Hans Berger, the German psychiatrist, published the results of his experiments using the electroecenphalograph in recording human brain waves. Four major brain waves exist: alpha has a frequency that ranges from 8 to 14 cycles per second (cps) and is found in the occipital part of the brain. Beta covers 14 to 30 cps. Delta wave includes frequencies that are below 5 cps. Theta wave covers the range between 5 and 8 cps. Alpha waves are more active during relaxation and light sleep. Nonetheless, their function is altered by deep mental activities. Beta waves, on the other hand, appear during mental concentration periods. In 1935, the findings of collaborators Frederic Gibbs, William Lennox, and Hallowelle Davis from Harvard on the use of EEG in epilepsy was published. Since EEG poses no pain or side effects, it is broadly included as a medium for identifying brain irregularities. The EEG is